Events Outcomes for the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region

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The Nairobi Convention Secretariat in executing the SAPPHIRE project organized the third SAPPHIRE Project Steering Committee (PSC) held virtually on Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 16 March 2021 from 15h00 – 17h00 East African Time.This was following a request for the Project Management Unit to host a third PSC meeting to present the project workplan and budget for 2021.

The objective of the third PSC meeting was to:

i) review the project progress from the fourth quarter of 2020,

ii) discuss and approve the workplan and budget for 2021,

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The Nairobi Convention in collaboration with WIOMSA and other partners are convening the 2021 Science to Policy Dialogue over three days from the 23rd – 25th March 2021.

This year’s theme is: Transitioning to a Sustainable Blue Economy in the WIO region: Addressing the challenges and harnessing opportunities

To access the abstracts of papers to be presented in the meeting, GO HERE.