The WIO MPA dashboard is a tool that visually tracks, analyzes and displays key metrics and data points extracted from the wealth of insights contained in each of the country chapters.
The dashboards provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in the MPA data at a country and regional level.
The dashboards contain different kinds of maps, performance indicators, narratives, graphs, charts, tables, images, tree-maps and many other visualisation elements that will enable you to gain insights about the MPAs.
The dashboards visualize:
Progress per country towards achieving SDG target 14.5.
Reasons for MPA establishment, e.g., protect nesting habitats, coral reefs, turtles, shell protection, mangroves, tourism etc.
Management effectiveness assessment for the WIO MPAs (101 MPAs assessed).
Area of MPAs (km2) at the regional level and in each country and the % of growth of MPAs over the years
MPAs designation (marine protected area, marine reserve, fishing reserve, national park, special reserves, coral parks, areas of outstanding beauty etc).
Institutions and organisations managing MPAs per country.
Status of MPAs management plans in each country
IUCN Categories assigned to the MPAs.
Where available, charts and maps on LMMAs as well as other OECMs.
Proposed MPAs, EEZ, total MPA coverage at the regional and national level.
What can you do with the dashboard?
Search for a particular MPA
Interactive maps with great mapping capabilities (zoom, search, hover etc)
Clicking on any of the charts, graphs, and maps gives you summarised information about an MPA – most detailed for the region at country level
The dashboard provides notes/information on each chart, dynamic textboxes, disclaimers
Colour coded for each country, MPA type, IUCN categories, species, habitats, MPA designation, MPA zonation, management plans etc.