SWIOFC PP2 Kenya Scoping Missions/ Site Selection 23 February to 2 March 2024

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The one-year inception phase of the Environfish-WIO project began in March 2023 after the project
secured funding from SIDA some three months earlier. The 4-year Environfish project runs from
2024-2027. Stakeholder mapping and site selection missions have been conducted in Mozambique
(June 2023), Tanzania (December 2023) and Kenya (March 2024). The extensive week-long
consultations with stakeholders and community members in Kenya were held in the Counties of
Lamu, Kilifi, Kwale, and Tana River to strategize on required partnerships, promote collaboration
between fisheries and environmental sectors, and encourage a broader local-level stakeholder
engagement. This is a report on this site selection.
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