- Ocean Acidification and Climate Change
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management
I am a marine ecologist with bias towards conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable utilisation of mangrove resources. I have developed expertise in the field of ecological mangroves restoration, carbon financing, integrated coastal area management, climate change mitigation/adaptations, and integrated management of mangrove areas.
Academic background:
Rural development and marine conservation with a particular focus on community-based approaches in Madagascar/SW Indian Ocean, European overseas (Mayotte and Reunion islands), and a bit of Central Africa.
Francis started his career working for the French Ministry of Environment, then the World Bank headquarters in Washington D.C. at the Environment Department before becoming a consultant. He has been working for more than 20 years in providing services related to the conservation and sustainable use of natural – terrestrial, coastal and marine – resources including international cooperation projects development, implementation and evaluation worldwide.
- MPA development and management
- Local communities capacity building
- Fisheries management
PhD in tropical marine botany.
Fields of expertise
- Marine plants both mangroves and algae
- Marine protected areas, networks of MPAs
- Sustainable financing of protected areas
- Mangrove restoration and management
Countries of working expertise: Kenya, Tanzania, Palau, FSM, CNMI, Indonesia., Papua new Guinea, Marshall Islands., Fiji and Solomon Islands.
My professional career has primarily focused on human-shark conflict and shark and ray ecology, conservation and management.
I have been working at the Ministry for Environment for the past 21 years in Coastal Zone Management . I specialise in erosion and coastal protection works .
I also have experience in environment impact assessment and environmental pollution abatement.