My educational background is fisheries and Aquaculture with a Master's degree in Fisheries science. My expertise is fisheries and Aquaculture value chain, with working experience of over 12 years in fisheries and management, resource monitoring, and fisheries project management. My aquaculture expertise focuses more on marine fish species while fisheries management based on both inland water and marine fisheries.
Jennifer Olbers obtained her PhD degree from the University of Cape Town in taxonomy and marine biogeography. Jennifer worked at the Oceanographic Research Institute while completing her MSc degree and gained experience in benthic monitoring and aquaculture practices.
She joined Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, as a marine ecologist where she was involved in the implementation and coordination of various marine and coastal monitoring programmes. She also coordinated the KZN Marine Animal Stranding Network in which all marine stranded animals were managed along the KZN coastline.
Benthic Ecology of megafauna species.
Since his doctoral research between 2012 and 2016, Gildas has been working on coral farming and coral bio-ecology within the Polyaquaculture Research Unit (PRU) of the Fishery and Marine Science Institute of the University of Toliara, Madagascar.
Aquatic Science; coastal resources management and deep sea ecology; biodiversity and taxonomy
Mangroves, Seagrass, and Coral Reefs observation.