A Case Study: Creating a Regional Ocean Governance Strategy for the Western Indian Ocean

Creating a regional strategy involves the active participation of various stakeholders, ranging from academic and research institutions to policymakers, businesses reliant on ocean resources, donors, and community members. This has been the case for the development of the Regional Ocean Governance Strategy (ROGS) for the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). The development of the strategy was…


Advancing the Western Indian Ocean Blue Economy Strategy

The UNEP Nairobi Convention Secretariat has achieved another milestone toward implementing the new Western Indian Ocean Strategic Action Programme in support of a sustainable regional Blue Economy, which was agreed upon by the Contracting Parties to the Nairobi Convention (NC). In partnership with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), the Nairobi Convention conducted a six-day Regional Capacity Building Course on…


Assisting Women Leaders to Empower Themselves for Better Ocean Governance in the WIO

In September – December 2021, the SAPPHIRE project supported the facilitation of a women’s leadership workshop with WIOMSA. This was the third in a series of leadership workshops and built up on lessons learned during the previous iterations in 2019 and 2020. The participant-focused workshop sought to empower leaders and promote networking to influence marine policy formulation, decision making and implementation.


At their 10th Conference of Parties, Nairobi Convention states agree on major actions to curb marine litter, combat climate change, protect critical habitats, and more

The Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management, and Development of the Coastal and Marine Environment of the Eastern Africa region held its 10th Conference of Parties from 23-25 November 2021, where states agreed on bold new action to maintain a healthy and prosperous Western Indian Ocean region.     Hosted by Madagascar, the 10th Conference of Parties (COP10) brought together Comoros, Kenya, France, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique,…


Co-managing Mkinga District’s Coastal and Marine Resources

Read about efforts being made in coastal villages in Tanzania’s Mkinga District, as the community integrates into the co-management of their coastal and marine resources. It is taking the collaborative efforts between government bodies, international organizations, and local stakeholders to preserve biodiversity, establish sustainable livelihoods, and mitigate climate change challenges through marine spatial planning, habitat…


Conservation of Critical Coastal and Marine Habitats in Boeny and Sofia Regions in Madagascar

In September 2023, an intrepid team of environmental stewards embarked on a transformative odyssey along the coasts of Boeny and Sofia regions in Madagascar. They sought to assess and engage with local communities on mangrove conservation, restoration and explore blue carbon market initiatives for the sustainability of coastal marine biodiversity in the country. The team…
