Strengthening Resilience of Coastal Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries Management through Cooperation and collaborative Efforts in Kenya
[Diani 23 January 2025]. The Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC) and the Nairobi Convention with support from the Swedish International Development Agency, held the first National Project Steering Committee meeting for Kenya and the launch of the project dubbed SWIOFC-Nairobi Convention partnership for resilient marine and coastal ecosystems and livelihoods (SWIOFC – NC PP2) in Diani, Kenya. The meeting was critical for project implementation, facilitating alignment between the project activities and with other related initiatives.
The SWIOFC–Nairobi Convention Partnership aims to improve cooperation and collaboration in fisheries management and ocean governance to enhance food security, and resilience, and contribute to reducing poverty in coastal communities in Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania.
The launch of the partnership project in Kenya included sharing the results of the inception phase held during the 2023 and 2024 programme year. The inception included developing a stakeholder engagement strategy, conducting site selection amongst potential beneficiaries, baseline studies in two selected sites, means of collaboration with key groups, including work plans and budgets for the years 2025 and 2026. The launch culminated in a strong emphasis on communicating results and ensuring the strong aspect of monitoring progress during the implementation of the project. The consultative launch featured interactive presentations and active participation of stakeholders, that contributed to the development of the project‘s implementation work schedule that incorporates stakeholder participation and support.

The launch of the project “SWIOFC Nairobi Convention Partnership for Resilient Marine and Coastal Ecosystems and Livelihoods” in Kenya enabled key institutions and agencies to understand the project’s goals, outputs, activities, implementation structures, and roles of each implementing partner, collaboration mechanisms with key stakeholders as well as linkages with other national environmental and marine fisheries management initiatives. The launch also introduced the project to stakeholders, affirmed partners in related projects, and stressed the goal of achieving a vibrant Blue Economy in Kenya.
During their opening remarks, Warwick Sauer on behalf of FAO/SWIOFC, Mwangi Theuri on behalf of UNEP‘s Nairobi Convention Secretariat and the Kenyan Government representatives Rashid Imam and David Ong’are emphasized the need for collaborative efforts in Kenya for addressing decisions related to marine conservation, pollution, climate change, and other related ocean governance challenges. The County Executive Committee Members responsible for Environment and Fisheries Sectors in Lamu and Kwale welcomed the project.

The environment-fisheries partnership will contribute to the various aspects of the country’s development, including food and nutrition security, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. The FAO Representative in Kenya, Hamisi Williams, congratulated the Kenyan Government, UNEP-Nairobi Convention, project leaders and project focal points in Lamu and Kwale Counties, and the County Government of Kwale for hosting a very successful launch.
About the SWIOFC project
The SWIOFC, through the FAO and the Nairobi Convention, via the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on the better management of coastal and marine environments and fisheries. Funded by Sweden, they implemented the project titled “A Partnership for Marine and Coastal Governance and Fisheries Management for Sustainable Blue Growth during 2019-2023.” The project was implemented in Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania.
Building on this partnership, a multi-country contribution of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), in December 2022 funded a new follow-up project called the “SWIOFC Nairobi Convention Partnership for Resilient Marine and Coastal Ecosystems and Livelihoods.” This project will expand efforts in central and northern Mozambique, and in selected sites in Tanzania. It will introduce project activities in Lamu and Kwale Counties, of Kenya to achieve the objectives of the project.
The project comprises four components: sustainably managing coastal and marine ecosystems, sustainably managing fisheries while enhancing livelihoods, strengthening cooperation between fisheries and environmental policies, and ensuring effective project management. It is jointly being implemented by the WIOFC and the Nairobi Convention.
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