The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) is a region where high biodiversity is increasingly being impacted by anthropogenic marine debris.
Nairobi Convention Secretariat
The fourth Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystems Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonisation and Institutional Reforms’ (SAPPHIRE) Project Steering Committee (PSC) was held in parallel with the mid-term review of the SAPPHIRE project. Additionally, the SAPPHIRE project ha
All Marine Spatial Planning and Information Management Workshop Documents and Presentations are accesible HERE.
All Marine Spatial Planning and Information Management Workshop Documents and Presentations are accesible HERE.
This Toolkit for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) of near-shore marine social-ecological systems in the Western Indian Ocean represents a set of guidelines and instructions for undertaking CCVA on coastal social and ecological systems, focused on mangrove, coral reef and seagrass ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean region (WIO). The Toolkit comprises a background on climate change and climate change vulnerability, including conceptual and analytical vulnerability assessment frameworks.
All Marine Spatial Planning and Information Management Workshop Documents and Presentations are accesible HERE.