Government ministries, departments & institutions

Partner's Location: 

The National Environment Management Council (NEMC) came into being in 1983 when the Government of Tanzania enacted the National Environment Management Act No. 19 of 1983. NEMC was established with a broad mandate in response to the national need for such an institution to oversee environmental management issues and also implement the resolutions of the Stockholm conference (1972), which called upon all nations to establish and strengthen national environmental Councils to advise governments and the international community on environmental issues. The object and purpose for which NEMC is established is to undertake environmental enforcement, compliance, review and monitor environmental impact statements, research and awareness raising.

Directorates and Units

NEMC is headed by the Director General and it has 5 technical directorates namely:

Partner's Location: 

Tanzania Forest Services Agency (TFS) is a semi-autonomous government Executive Agency. The Agency is mandated to sustainably undertake conservation, development and utilization of national forest and bee resources so that they contribute to the social, economic, ecological and cultural needs of present and future generations. The specific role and responsibilities of TFS are designed towards achieving efficient and effective management of forest and bee resources, promoting the potential for the continuous improvement of the quality and value for money on the delivery of public services.

Partner's Location: 
The Marine Parks and Reserves Unit was established under the Marine Parks and Reserves (MPRU) Act 29 of 1994. The MPRU is Managed by the Board of Trustees whose role among other things is to oversee management of marine parks and reserves operating under auspice of MPRU, formulating policies on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and related facilities, and advise the responsible Minister (currently the Minister Of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries) on approval, revision and amendment of general management plan of any Marine Parks including other legislative matters pertaining to the conservation and Management of Coastal and Marine resources.
Type of implementing organization: 
Project(s) linked to: 

The overall objective of the demonstration project is to contribute to the SAPPHIRE principal goal of achieving effective long-term marine and coastal ecosystem management in the Western Indian Ocean LMEs in line with the Strategic Action Programme as endorsed by the participating countries. Moreover, most of the countries in the WIO region have already developed national strategic approaches towards the green and blue economies which are consistent with and complement the LMEs SAP.

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Kenya Forest Service is a corporate body established under the Forest Conservation and Management Act no 34 of 2016 (henceforth referred to as the Act).  The Act which was operationalized on 31st March 2017, gave the Service's mandate as "to provide for the development and sustainable management, including conservation and rational utilization of all forest resources for the socioeconomic development of the country and for connected purposes".
The functions of the Service are;- 
a) Conserve, protect and manage all public forests in accordance with the provisions of the Act; 
Country of implementation: 
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Project(s) linked to: 

Seagrass ecosystems have been recently acknowledged for their blue carbon potential. Blue carbon, is a recent concept used to refer to organic carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems. Mangroves, salt marshes and seagrass beds possess enormous potential to capture, store and release carbon. These blue carbon ecosystems are considered important natural carbon sink sources.

Country of implementation: 
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Maputo Bay, situated in the southern part of the country, encompasses the coastal regions of Maputo and Matola, forming the largest metropolitan area in the country with a major commercial port. The bay is home to diverse coastal and marine ecosystems, including mangroves, seaweed banks, coral reefs, and dune forests. These ecosystems face significant urban and industrial influences. Fishing plays a crucial role in the bay's economy, with resources like shrimp, pelagic fish, and demersal rock fish supporting small-scale fishers.
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