SWIOFC-Nairobi Convention Partnership Project

Organization/Institution/Project linked to: 
The Information Management Strategy (IMS) roadmap provides the general timeline of activities leading to the adoption of the IMS at the eleventh Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention. The CLI workshops to be offered to the MSWG will be four days long, two days per week over two consecutive weeks. The process webinars will fall between the workshops and will last for at least two to three hours. The guidance by ZMT and the contribution of the regional multi-stakeholder working group will continue throughout the duration of IMS development.
Building on decision CP.10/5.3 a multi-stakeholder working group (MSWG) with representation from Nairobi Convention Contracting Parties and non-state actors was established and approved by Focal Points in 2022.
Here is the list for the Information Management Strategy Multi-Stakeholder Working Group. (MSWG selection criteria
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Maputo Bay, situated in the southern part of the country, encompasses the coastal regions of Maputo and Matola, forming the largest metropolitan area in the country with a major commercial port. The bay is home to diverse coastal and marine ecosystems, including mangroves, seaweed banks, coral reefs, and dune forests. These ecosystems face significant urban and industrial influences. Fishing plays a crucial role in the bay's economy, with resources like shrimp, pelagic fish, and demersal rock fish supporting small-scale fishers.
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The Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC through the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Nairobi Convention through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for enhanced collaboration to support member countries of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC)and Nairobi Convention in their commitment towards the sustainable management of their coastal and marine environment and fishery res

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