Marine Biologist with a wide range of interests and experience, which includes MPAs management and governance, marine recreational activities and their management (fishing, diving), marine turtle conservation, coral and reef fish monitoring and research.
I am a research scientist, Masters graduate in Fisheries Science, BSc. in Microbiology and Biotechnology.
I am passionate about management and governance of aquatic systems (coastal marine and fresh water), as well as the human dimensions of environmental change social ecology systems, global environmental politics, environment and development, trade and environment agricultural biotechnology and implications for developing country.
Since his doctoral research between 2012 and 2016, Gildas has been working on coral farming and coral bio-ecology within the Polyaquaculture Research Unit (PRU) of the Fishery and Marine Science Institute of the University of Toliara, Madagascar.
Benthic Ecology of megafauna species.
Dr. Sifuna is a holder of PhD in Biomedical Science and Technology from Maseno University, Kenya. He is a lecturer of Biochemistry at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology; School of Medicine. My areas of research and consultancy include: -
I work on demersal trawl fisheries of the western Indian Ocean and I coordinate the WIOFish Project which collates fisheries information for eight countries of the WIO.
Trained at BSc level as a general marine ecologist. At MSc level specialized as a seagrass ecologist, and at PhD level as a mangrove and fish ecologist.
- MPA development and management
- Local communities capacity building
- Fisheries management