Remote Sensing/Geographical Information Systems

Current job title: 
Associate Professor at Sokoine University of Agriculture
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

Prof. Japhet J.

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Current job title: 
Senior Lecturer in Spatial Information Science, Department of Environmental Sciences
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

I am a spatial scientist with interests in a wide range of environmental and ecological questions, and have predominantly focused on coastal and marine environment. My ultimate goals are to understand and predict the impacts of environmental variability and change on marine and coastal social-ecological systems at local and global scales in-order to support local adaptation planning and management.

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Current job title: 
Head of Mining Identity and Exploitation of Geo-Scientific Data
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 
  • Head of Department at the Ministry in charges of Mines and Strategic Resources, Madagascar since 2013
  • Representative of Madagascar team in the JOGMEC/SADC Remote Sensing Competition in 2018, 3rd place, Lobatse-Botswana
Current job title: 
Programme Manager - WIOMSA
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

I am an environmental planner with knowledge of planning and executing coastal spaces for sustainability. I have a special interest in climate change and coastal cities especially sea level rise and its impacts, coastal systems design and coastal spatial planning.

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Current job title: 
Chief Scientist
Institution(s) associated with the expert: 

I am a marine ecologist with bias towards conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable utilisation of mangrove resources. I have developed expertise in the field of ecological mangroves restoration, carbon financing, integrated coastal area management, climate change mitigation/adaptations, and integrated management of mangrove areas.

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