Welcome, Nairobi Convention Member States, partners, and friends, to this issue of the Weekly News Round-up!
Do you have any events, research, or scientific publications on the Western Indian Ocean that you would like to be included in the round-up? Write to [email protected]!

Communications Consultant, UNEP-Nairobi Convention Secretariat
The Nairobi Convention Secretariat is looking for a Communication Consultant to provide support in the implementation of the Communications Strategy, with a particular focus on communicating progress made under the SAPPHIRE and WIOSAP projects. Click on the link below to apply.

Call for submission of discussion papers for WIO Science to Policy meeting
The Nairobi Convention Secretariat, WIOMSA, and partners will convene a Science to Policy meeting in February 2021 to promote the link between science and policy for evidence-based decision making and provide the COP with timely technical advice and policy recommendations.

Check out the Nairobi Convention’s YouTube Channel!
Learn about key topics important to the Western Indian Ocean, like ocean governance, critical habitat restoration, sustainable river management, and more – or watch replays of webinars on these same topics with experts from around the region and globe! Subscribe now to never miss a video.

More than 14m tonnes of plastic believed to be at the bottom of the ocean
A new analysis of ocean sediments from as deep as 3km suggests there could be more than 30 times as much plastic at the bottom of the world’s ocean than there is floating at the surface, amounting to more than 14 million tonnes.

Join the virtual Global Roundtable on Sustainable Finance
The UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is hosting its 16th Global Roundtable virtually on 13–14 October 2020. The Blue Economy, biodiversity targets, sustainable financing in Africa, and more will all be on the agenda. Register to join below.

Evaluation of Seagrass near Dar es Salaam, TZ
A new study aimed to determine the abundance and diversity of seagrasses and seaweeds and to identify human activities in Dar. The study recommended an education and protection strategy to ensure the survival of the existing species.

Did you miss the Webinar on Sustainable Management of Rivers?
Now you can watch a recording of the Webinar on webinar on Sustainable Management of Rivers and the launch of ‘Guidelines on the Assessment of Environmental Flows in the Western Indian Ocean Region’.
Watch now!