WIO Symphony is a tool based on more than 80 ecology and human activity maps. It supports ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning by calculating cumulative impact over large areas and illustrating those that are under specific pressures. The tool also shows how different planning and policy measures can lead to a positive environmental impact in an area.
– a tool for ecosystem-based marine spatial planning –
Marine Spatial Planning is a process that enables evidence-based decision-making by providing guidance when deciding when, where and how human economic activities should take place in the ocean. Well-executed MSP can foster a sustainable blue economy.
The ecosystem-based Western Indian Ocean Symphony tool for Marine Spatial Planning was officially launched during the 12th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, in October 2022.
For access to the tool, write to [email protected].
How does WIO Symphony work?
WIO Symphony combines pressures, ecosystems and sensitivity into cumulative environmental impact.
The results are presented as heat maps which makes it easy to identify areas of high and low cumulative impact. They are also presented as tables and diagrams showing details for any given area.
Symphony – a tool for ecosystem-based MSP
Symphony is a planning tool that has been used in Swedish marine spatial planning in order to understand and illustrate environmental pressure on ecological value. Symphony helps to develop ecosystem-based marine plans. This film was produced by HaV, in partnership with ClimeMarine.

WIO Symphony Resources
The development of this tool would have been impossible without these valuable Contributors:
Click here to see the complete list of technical contributors.