Water Quality Management in the Western Indian Ocean

The Nairobi Convention serves as a regional platform to address the challenges facing coastal and marine ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) through collective interventions, dialogue, and partnerships. Contracting Parties, including Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania, Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar, Reunion (France), and Seychelles, collaborate on national and regional actions to mitigate environmental stresses,…

Enhancing Regional Ocean Governance

Integrating Western Indian Ocean Governance Strategy with Africa-wide Ocean Governance Strategy Inspired by the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) Cairo Declaration of 2015, the Nairobi Convention’s contracting parties decided at COP 10 in November 2021 to develop a Regional Ocean Governance Strategy (ROGS) for the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). Since May 2022, a…

cop 11

Infographics: Journey Toward the Eleventh Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention- COP 11

The Eleventh Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP 11) will be a crucial gathering, enhancing ongoing efforts to protect, manage and develop the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region. It will take place between August 20-22 2024 in Antananarivo, Madagascar. As preparations intensify for the eleventh Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP…

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Journey Toward the Eleventh Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention- COP 11

The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region, celebrated for its rich marine biodiversity and vital ecosystems like coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves, confronts mounting threats from anthropogenic and climate change-induced phenomena. Coral bleaching, sea-level rise, and intensified extreme weather events are among the pressing challenges endangering the region’s ecological balance. Recent catastrophic events, notably Cyclone…

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Workshop Paves Way for Enhanced Marine Spatial Planning in the Northern Mozambique Channel

The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region, encompassing the Northern Mozambique Channel- NMC, is rich in marine biodiversity and crucial to the livelihoods of about 10 million people. However, the region faces challenges from illegal fishing, offshore oil and gas exploration, and environmental degradation. The African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the African Integrated Maritime Strategy (AIMS)…

source to sea, land sea integration, wiosap

Advancing the Western Indian Ocean Blue Economy Strategy

The UNEP Nairobi Convention Secretariat has achieved another milestone toward implementing the new Western Indian Ocean Strategic Action Programme in support of a sustainable regional Blue Economy, which was agreed upon by the Contracting Parties to the Nairobi Convention (NC). In partnership with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), the Nairobi Convention conducted a six-day Regional Capacity Building Course on…

water quality training wiosap

Training Workshop to Advance Water Quality Monitoring in the Western Indian Ocean Region

Durban, South Africa – From March 12-14, 2024, a workshop titled “Country-level Implementation of Regional Framework for Coastal & Marine Water Quality Management (C&MWQM) in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Region” was held. Participants included representatives from five Nairobi Convention Contracting Parties: Kenya, Tanzania/Zanzibar, South Africa, Seychelles, and Madagascar. This workshop aimed to enhance the…

Protecting the Marine Environment from Land-Based Pollution in Tanzania

Protecting the Marine Environment from Land-Based Pollution in Tanzania The Nairobi Convention, through the ACP MEAs 3 programme, is supporting the Vice President’s Office (VPO), Tanzania in developing a National Source Inventory report on plastic pollution. This report will inform the development of a national marine litter management strategy and action plan to reduce plastic…