Partnership for Action Meeting on management of Oceanographic Research and Data in the Western Indian Ocean Region
Under the SAPPHIRE project, the Nairobi Convention and partners are bringing together scientists, policy makers, practitioners and partners for a meeting entitled “Partnership for Action on Management of Oceanographic Research and Data in the Western Indian Ocean Region”. Its objectives are to discuss the status of national data centers (the available data, service provided by the centers, major gaps, and challenges and support required); identify key priorities of the participating countries in enhancing their capacity in the utilization, management and ownership of oceanographic data and scientific research findings; agree on a feasible partnership mechanism (platform, protocol, etc.) related to data collection and archiving in the WIO region; agree on an action plan for the involvement of national data centers in updating MEDAs and TDA; and to define a possible collaboration and partnership modality with international and national research institutions and partners on a data/information-sharing and archiving system.