Component 1: Strengthening dialogue regarding regional ocean governance
With NC partners, WIOGI works to strengthen regional policy dialogues on ocean governance by supporting diverse stakeholders to co-create a Regional Ocean Governance Strategy and an Information Management Strategy. These two processes seek to enhance better management of the region’s ocean resources, and gather information critical for better decision making in ocean governance.
The strategies will not only harmonize ocean governance priorities and approaches, but also pave way for stronger collaboration on issues such as data sharing, oil spill preparedness and areas beyond national jurisdiction. The highly participatory strategy development processes will strengthen ownership and commitment to their implementation, as well as set new norms in the co-creation of future strategies.

Component 2: Enhancing involvement of all actors in regional ocean governance
A sustainable blue economy requires companies and communities to transition to more sustainable practices across the region at scale. However, many lack the necessary knowledge, capacities, incentives, resources, and enabling environment (e.g., regulations, skills, finance) to make this transition.
WIOGI works with many partners to enhance the collaboration between private sector, public sector and civil society, through Our Blue Future (OBF); a multi-stakeholder initiative for an inclusive and sustainable blue economy in the Western Indian Ocean region.

Component 3: Developing Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for protecting marine and coastal resources in Mozambique as a pilot country
WIOGI works to develop Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for protecting marine and coastal resources while implementing Sustainable Blue Economy approaches in Mozambique as a pilot country. WIOGI is engaging local authorities, the private sector and civil society in potential partnerships for the management of local coastal and marine resources to demonstrate the impact that partnerships can have to sustain the environment and strengthen local governance. Opportunities under development to date include partnering with ProAzul (the Government’s Blue Economy fund), with Maputo National Park, and with businesses operating in Maputo Port to develop circular economy value chains to protect the marine environment from the risk of pollution.