Conservation of Critical Coastal and Marine Habitats in Boeny and Sofia Regions in Madagascar

Conservation of Critical Coastal and Marine Habitats in Boeny and Sofia Regions in Madagascar

In September 2023, an intrepid team of environmental stewards embarked on a transformative odyssey along the coasts of Boeny and Sofia regions in Madagascar. They sought to assess and engage with local communities on mangrove conservation, restoration and explore blue carbon market initiatives for the sustainability of coastal marine biodiversity in the country. The team…

biodiversity protocol

Marine Conservation in the Western Indian Ocean Region Takes a Step Forward

First Negotiations Meeting for the Amendment of the Nairobi Convention Protocol on Marine Protected Areas and Wild Flora and Fauna Held The Nairobi Convention Protocol concerning protected areas and wild fauna and flora, constitutes one of the legal frameworks for the protection, management, and development of the marine and coastal environment in the Western Indian…

The 6th WIOSAP PSC Meeting in Madagascar

Reflecting into the future The WIOSAP Project held its sixth WIOSAP PSC in Nosy Be, Madagascar between 6-7 July 2022. The meeting provided strategic guidance for effective implementation of WIOSAP’s activities based on its Mid-Term Review (MTR) findings and recommendations. The sixth WIOSAP PSC meeting was attended by Nairobi Convention Focal Points, the WIOSAP project’s…

Madagascar Reaffirms its Commitment to Protect and Manage their Coastal and Marine Resources at One Ocean Summit

The Nairobi Convention recently facilitated the participation of Madagascar at the One Ocean Summit held in Brest, Paris between 9 and 11 February 2022. Madagascar, through the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Developmen,t was  elected as the Chair of the Nairobi Convention Bureau November 2021 to  lead the implementation of the 2022 – 2024 work…