sustainable ports wiosap, wio ports

Greening Western Indian Ocean Ports

Ports play a crucial role in the global economy as they facilitate the transportation of 90% of global trade and deliver numerous goods that we use every day. However, unsustainable port development can pose severe threats to coastal ecosystems and the goods and services that they provide. Ports are known to cause significant pollution due…

Towards Sustainable Port Development in the Western Indian Ocean Region

The Nairobi Convention Secretariat,through WIOSAP project,has commissioned the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, South Africa) and the Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre  (MTCC) to  undertake  a  project,  in  consultation  with  regional  port  partners  and other stakeholders, aimed at advancing sustainable port development in the region.MTCC is responsible for stakeholder convening and coordination, while CSIR…