Mini Symposium: Launch of the ‘WIO Symphony’ tool for regional cumulative impact assessment in the WIO

Mini Symposium: Launch of the ‘WIO Symphony’ tool for regional cumulative impact assessment in the WIO – a transparent support tool for ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning This mini-symposium will launch ‘WIO Symphony’, a product of 4-year cooperation with contributions from over 50 members of Nairobi Convention member states and international partners. WIO Symphony is a…

Special Session: Addressing the Three Planetary Crises

Special Session: Addressing the Three Planetary Crises Through the Implementation of the Western Indian Ocean Strategic Action Programme The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) is recognized globally for its unique biological richness, natural beauty and high ecological and socio-economic value. The WIO region’s coastal habitats, which include coastal forests, sand dunes, beaches, rocky shores, mangroves, seagrass…

Enhancing Coastal Ecosystems Management through Land-Sea Interactions in South Africa

South Africa’s coastal environment is a rich and diverse national asset that provides economic and social opportunities for its coastal communities. South Africa is a maritime nation with jurisdiction over one of the largest exclusive economic zones in the world, at 1.5 million square km. Therefore, our ocean represents a significant asset for current and…

Marine Spatial Planning and Information Management Capacity Building Workshop

Marine Spatial Planning and Information Management Capacity Building Workshop This workshop will aim to promote shared learning on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) implementation at national and regional levels for sustainable management of the coastal and marine resources in the WIO region and its contribution to information management. The workshop will highlight the datasets needed for…